13D Filings
13D filings play a crucial role within our friendly activist strategy. We file numerous filings with the SEC to signify our intention of acquiring equity in order to help the company grow.
Current 13D Filings
Legacy 13D Filings
*some of our legacy investments may no longer exist due to acquisitions
Special Opportunities
Special opportunities are catalysts we identify in undervalued portfolio companies that allow us to ignite and extract value from our positions. We leverage multiple strategies to unlock value from these target companies to achieve outstanding returns. Outlined below are some of our current pursuits and ventures:
Target 1
Target 2
Target 3
Target 4
Target 5
Target 6
Target 7
Target 8
Target 9
Target 10
Target 11
Target 12
Target 13
Target 14
Target 1. An energy distribution company that provides mobility recharging services to thealternative energy industries and back-up charging power units. Its trading at a $35MM valuationand is growing profitably at 50%+ per year.
Target 2. A 5,200-unit franchise system trading at a $14 million valuation down from $1.6billion. The Company is in a turnaround mode and generating $30 million in annual earnings. Ona normalized basis this should be closer to $40 million annually.
Target 3. A $4-5 billion revenue construction company trading at 4x normalized earningsand a 35% discount to its hard book value.
Target 4. A $100 million revenue specialized transportation company earning $60 millionannually, $0 debt and $350 million in book value. Its trading at a valuation of $150 million.
Target 5. An energy exploration and production company generating $1.8 billion inrevenue and earning $500 million in EBITDA, or $20/share. The stock is trading at less than2.5x earnings.
Target 6. A Midstream pipeline storage and processing company primarily in naturalgas. The book value is $100/share and replacement value is $150/share. The Enterprise Valueis 4.2x EBITDA while the industry is trading at 8-10x. The stock is down from $200 to$28/share.
Target 7. A Midstream storage, transportation and sulfur manufacturing company. TheCompany is trading at an Enterprise Value of 3.8x EBITDA. The stock is down from $40 to$3/share.
Target 8. A cyber-security and mobility management company generating $120 - $140million in revenue and $5-10 million of EBITDA. On a normalized basis this should be north of$10 million of EBITDA. Most of their contracts are with the US government and now they arebranching out into the commercial space. The valuation net of cash is about $18 million, downfrom $100 million. The Company is debt free with cash on the balance sheet. The Company wasrecently awarded major contracts with the US government which are not reflected in thefinancials or the share price.
Target 9. A digital publishing company and online news company down from a $2 billionto $100 million valuation. The company has $50 million in cash on the balance sheet and is oneof the largest beneficiaries of its push into artificial intelligence.
Target 10. A pure play artificial intelligence company that is trading at about a $390 millionmarket capitalization and totally under the radar screen of the major Wall Street firms. Webelieve this will be one of the biggest plays in artificial intelligence. At present they aregenerating $140 million in revenues, which should expand to $300-500 million in the next fewyears. They are a provider of “picks and shovels” for the AI sector.
Target 11. A $30 million oil services company well positioned for alternative energy. Thecompany is trading at a $10 million valuation, down from $60 million. Clean balance sheet withcash and no debt. Their business is expanding due to the current global energy cycle.
Target 12. A $150 million manufacture and marketer of protective clothing and accessoriestrading at a $140 million market cap, with liquidity of $120 million. The Company shallgenerate $1.50/share in earnings this year, trading net of liquidity of 2x earnings.
Target 13. A $32 billion transportation company that has $500-600 million in normalizedEBITDA. The Company is in the process of a technology transition which should transform theCompany. The stock is down 80% trading at a $600 million valuation.
Target 14. Two US home builders, each trading at 5x earnings, while their comps trade at10-12x earnings. There is strong pent-up demand for home building in the US. We would like tofile 13D’s in each of these companies and pursue a merger.
Target 15. A small senior-conductor and microprocessor company squarely in the Internet ofThings sector. The stock is down significantly, trading at 5x earnings, net of cash. Solidlyprofitable. We believe the Company should be trading closer to a 20x earnings, in line with theindustry comps.