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We're focused on generating returns by combining fundamental long investing with a deep value, friendly activist strategy.

We Believe In Value

We aim to achieve risk-adjusted superior returns from low, beta-adjusted net exposure generated from a value oriented long portfolio across all market capitalizations and industry sectors. We target profitable companies with strong balance sheets. We have a sub-focus on undervalued Special Situation investments which tend to have little analyst coverage and outsized return potential






Total ROI

Since Jan 2018


In 2024

vs Machine

For 100 years, Value has outperformed Growth stocks. But in the last 13 years, Growth has outperformed Value by over 300%. Why? We believe it is due to the proliferation of algorithms, derivatives, and ETF's into the stock market.

These algorithms have fueled continued investments in large cap growth stocks even as new highs are reached and valuations become more extreme, hence, even more buying. This in turn has led to the technical shorting of lower-priced value stocks. We believe these factors create a buying opportunity that these programs have over looked and yielding us superior returns. This is our advantage!

We have developed a strategy to outperform the bots at their own game. We can identify what the bots are targeting and use this as a buying or selling opportunity to our advantage. We typically invest in value stocks that have a catalyst or group of catalysts that will likely trigger the bots and algorithms hence, reverse their targeted companies - readying to a upward trend.

vs Algorithms

We've Been
Fine-tuning Our Approach for Years...

Average annualized returns of over 65% year-on-year requires practice, expertise and a proven methodology. 

Click below to read more about our proprietary approach that has been delivering results to our clients for years

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Bruce Galloway
Chief Investment Officer

Galloway Capital Partners, LLC

+1 212 247 1339

+1 917 405 4591

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